an amazing family photo.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

pictures in the raw...

i havent gotten into photography too much...i know i say it all the time,  but i have a new baby...and sometimes it feels like a handicap...i would love to take tons of pictures of my kids and be able to edit them, i just dont have the time...lori has a cannon rebel i use if i ever want to take good pictures...i wasnt aware of my computer being incapable of recognizing pictures in the raw format...ANNOYING. it took me a good hour and a half to get some pictures that were taken in the raw to save and be able to be viewed on my computer...i am making a baby book on shutterfly for sure it seems unfair...the others dont have one...but i am making it because 1. it is free...i got a thing in the mail that i can make it for free and that saves me 30.00 plus shipping...FUN...and 2. obviously if you are willing to have 5 kids, sometimes you just gotta roll with the others dont have one...oh well, maybe i can make one for them later...but i probably is taking me a long time to figure out where to put all the pictures and what to write where...and i figured out i need about 50 more i suppose i will get busy taking some pictures...but not in the are some of the ones it took me so long to figure out...

this is why i didnt give up after an hour...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday the 13th...

it is not friday the was last week, and with a new baby that doesnt let me put her down we are lucky i am writing about this at last post was in november...i only took 1 picture Christmas morning (and that was with my phone)...the presents got wrapped Christmas eve eve...we get our laundry from a pile (clean is clean at this point)...i dont think i have cleaned my bathroom since sophie was born (dont judge me) is safe to say that we are surviving at this is going by so fast, i just wanted to write this about our friday the 13th so i dont forget how hilarious it was at the time...and by hilarious i mean traumatic...haha...i will start with a few days before...i broke my toe on jareds bike...sounds funny when you dont know that jareds bike (his most prized earthly possession) is in our room...yes we love it that much that it has a special place in our room...even the dogs dont have that privileged...anyway before you start thinking that i was riding around trying my hand at bmx tricks i will tell you that it is upside down in our room...i didnt see it and somehow kicked it with enough force to break my second littlest toe...i have never broken anything before, and im not gonna lie i was in tears at one point...and forget mother in law had to feed us dinner for 2 nights...oh yeah and did i mention that my husband was out of town?!?!...good week...anyway friday i had to go to church to set up for a breakfast we were having the next morning...i had to take 48 cans of tomatoes to the church that lori was donating...the last box of tomatoes that i picked up completely dumped just missed my toe and rolled down the parking lot dumped out...amazing right?...luckily all the cans missed my on the way home i called lori because she had kylee and elly babysitting micahs kids with her...she told me that esther threw up on is just like my brother...weak stomach...heaves at a lot of when she got home she was hanging over the toilet just a heaving...she insisted she was sick now...while that was going on jared put peyton in our shower and was trying to help ky (bless his heart he was all by himself)...hahaha...anyway peyton decided to give it a go at shaving her legs...she didnt do too bad, only cut her thumb and finger (i guess i have a weak stomach too, because i just heaved a little typing that)...when jared went to get her out of the shower and realize what had happened she told him...and i quote "dad you should put that up where i cant reach it"...hmmm...the temptation was so great that the razor needs to be out of her reach for her not to give girl...hahaha if only that was thought of before the shower...anyway at the end of the day all the girls were eating some pineapple and jared said "be careful with that fork, we have had enough blood for one day"...if that sentence ends your day, it was rough....haha but we know i dont like posts without pictures, so i will give you two of the outtakes from kylee and ellys baptism pictures...they are hilarious...and i have decided it is next to impossible to get a decent picture of both of them....

not sure why ellys eyes were open that much...and i guess i was making ky super tired, because she couldnt stop yawning...haha

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

my life could be a movie...or at least a sitcom...

my last name is mobley...with that comes a wide variety of chaos...i have come to expect it....when things are simple for other people, they seem to somehow become chaotic for pretty sure it is the amount of people and extra large personalities that we have...the birth of baby sophia is the perfect example of this....i am going to tell all about it now, so this is your only warning...if you know me you know i wont share anything gross or too personal, but if you dont like reading about child birth and all that stop now...i can write about it now, because it is hilarious the moment, not so was one of the few times i have seen my husband close to panicking, and i myself being completely out of control (which i dont do so well...part of the whole i have to be in control of everything at all times)...this could take a while...but if you need a laugh, or even a 'wow are these people for real' might enjoy it...i will start by saying that all of my other children had been born before 38 weeks, peyton was born at 37 weeks, so i was under the impression that i would go a little early...two weekends before i had sophia i was having horrible contractions all night, but doctors are annoying and say well dont come in until they are 5 minutes apart for more than an hour...let me be clear...that NEVER happened consistently...they were 2 minutes, then 5, then 3 then 4...and then those 2 times it happened, i figured either it would get better, or it would get worse...and it got better so i didnt worry about ir...and by the way after those weekends of pain...nothing changed i was still a i decided i couldnt trust my body the day she was born i went to the doctor that morning, and big surprise...i was still a 2....he said he would make me an appointment for the next week...and i told him i wasnt coming...he could forget that time i was almost 39 weeks, and i decided i had had i went home, and i was having contractions all day...not to where i couldnt function, and definitely not consistent, but i had them all day...finally at 7pm i called the doctor and when she called back she said well sometimes when we check your cervix it irritates it and you can have contractions after that (i know this...i have done this before...just sayin)...anyway her advice was (because like i said my contractions were never consistent) to take some tylenol or tylenol pm if i had it and maybe take a hot bath...hahaha...i did what i was told, took a hot bath, some tylenol (really super glad i didnt have the pm kind)...and i laid down for a little bit...i was still hurting, so i decided to say a little prayer, in my prayer i said if this is for real just let my water break, because at this point i cant tell...and i am not even joking before i opened my eyes i felt a pop...and my water that was then it was around jared got everything to the car, i touched up my makeup and hair...hahhaha...little did i know how much time i didnt have...after my water broke, we were in a completely different level of pain...i was dying...i was we get in the car (which was quite difficult-now i realize that thats probably because i was on a 9...haha) was a pretty rough ride...some of the contractions were a minute apart, but i could breathe through them...we got to the er and jared got a wheel chair and pushed me to the desk and went and parked the car...they asked me some questions i was able to answer and then pushed me back in the er where this poor young kid sat down at the desk and proceeded to ask me dumb questions like 'whats your birthday' 'whats your social security number'...that didnt last that point sitting in that wheel chair i couldnt breathe through the contractions anymore...something was different...bless that little guys heart, he got yelled at, and after i yelled at him i stopped talking all together...i wasnt physically him and a nurse wheeled me up to labor and delivery...the nurse tried to talk to me and ask me questions, but i said nothing...we got to the labor and delivery desk at 1038pm...the nurse up there was very nice, and i made sure to tell the doctor that the tylenol didnt work...bahahaha...i got the gown on and she was like ummm i think we need to get you to the i got to the bed and she checked me and said ok are you ready to push...the doctor ran in and it was time...honestly the hardest thing i have ever had to do...i didnt think i was going to be able to do it...and then her shoulders got stuck, and the cord was wrapped around her neck...and things suddenly got serious...the doctor stayed calm, but i could tell the nurses and jared were concerned...finally with the help of 4 nurses and the doctor she was out...she was laying on the table and she was blue and they were giving her oxygen and it was a little sure it was worse for jared because i was only vaguely aware of what was going on...she was ok after they worked on her, but they took her to the nursery right away because she was making funny noises, and she had a rough sadly i have no pictures of her when she was first born, or of her first bath, everything just happened so fast...the rest of my stay in the hospital i was the girl who had her baby in 5 minutes to the nurses...they couldnt stop talking about it to me...haha...anyway we are both doing well...she is doing good, eating well, back to her birth weight, and i am doing good too...still in pain, but thats why they send you home with are going to need it...i will post more pictures of her later...but here is one...oh yeah and i have decided something since going through this process...if you have the option and chose not to have medicine, you are an offense to anyone out there, but i just dont see the reasoning behind it if you have a choice...haha

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

baby envy...

maybe the title of this post should be not being pregnant envy...that would be more one point this spring/summer i believe there were 19 people pregnant in jareds extended family...i am one of the last....i am loving seeing all the new babies, and believe me i am not quite ready to bring another tiny human home...i still have some things i need to get, and some things i still need to sew up...but i am 100% ready to be NOT PREGNANT...i have felt pretty good so far...that changed drastically in the last week and a half...varicose veins people....they are no if i didnt have 2 little girls that were so helpful with my husband out of town all week, every week, simple things like dishes and laundry would not get done...i did manage to get some cute stuff made, and little by little i will continue to add to it...right now though i cant think about sitting in a chair sewing for an extended period of time...i will just be thankful for the 2 little blessings that are in my life...

here is a picture of some of the things i have done so far...some with help from jessie and rome, and others by myself...arent you proud amanda?!?!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

back to school blues...

i will begin by saying that i have mixed emotions about back to school...i love this time of year..i love school supplies, and i know that fall is waiting patiently around the corner which is fantastic because fall is my FAVORITE!!! with that said...i know my kids need to go to school, but i really dont want them is much harder to have all 4 of them home...but kylee and elly really do help me a lot, and they keep the other kids going back to school means having to deal with other kids sometimes making mine sad...and worrying if my kids are going to be mean to another child (apparently theses are my fears)...and then there are the new teachers...getting used to the way they do things...for the past 2 years kylee and elly have had great teachers, and they loved them...there was fear over the summer (i am positive that every child entering 2nd grade at long elementary school had the same fear)...fear over getting a certain our home we had many discussions that if one got this certain teacher that it would be fine...she wasnt as bad as the stories said she was (though i was reminded by the girls every time that she actually made kindergarten kids cry mom)...haha....well one did get this teacher, and when i came home and told her all she said was (and i quote)..."when you are at the top...the only place to go is down" bahahaha...(julie if you are reading this, you should feel proud!)....but i will say that after the first day of school, ky came home and said we were wrong mom...she is only mean to kids who are bad! haha...she likes her, and thats all i could want...the teacher has frustrated me a couple times, but i am sure that i do the same to many long as my kids are happy in their classes i will be happy with it...i will let it slide when the teacher tells ky that i didnt fill out the papers and bring back the folder i was supposed to...even though i did it immediately when i got home (and put a note in it NOT to paddle my child...i wont get into that right now) and she just misplaced it on her desk...or when i sent in 3 (when we only needed to send 1) of the folders that were the specific name and with the pocket for their agendas, and my child brought home a completely different folder that didnt have a pocket (there was actually a sticker on it with her name on it) i went to walmart and bought a 4th folder and wrote her name and all on it and sent it back in...sorry for the rambling, those things are just frustrating to me...anyway i will quit complaining and get over it and it will be a good are some second day of school pictures!

Monday, August 1, 2011


the other day monique asked if she could borrow jack for some pictures with an old tractor....of course...what little boy wouldnt want his picture taken on an old tractor?!?! that morning he after he was all dressed, peyton brought me a princess dress as she calls it and told me she wanted her picture too....i figured monique wouldnt mind and i dressed everyone and sent them out the is what we got....SUPER CUTE PICTURES!!!

 i love this!!!!

here are some of all four of them...

 some of jack...

the girls...




and i think this picture is is so dare there be a bug on the ground!!!

and the girls and jack...

i am literally working on about 6 different things craft/redoing room type things at this moment...if i ever finish one completely, i will post about it...maybe when school starts next week i will be able to finish something...but probably not....haha....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

things that are impossible...for me...

i am certain there are women out there that could do all the things that my brain believes i can do in the amount of time there is in a day....i am not one of those women...the other day i was is impossible for me to sew a blanket and keep a house clean (no joke~it will never happen)...we have recently cleaned out kids closets and put shelves in them for all their clothes...which is a major inprovement because jacks closet literally was packed above my head with things like clothes i am saving for little people or all of my once cleaned out i descovered i have a ton of girly fabric to make baby sophie bankets and spit up cloths and is where the impossible comes in...not only is it impossible for me to make said things and keep a clean house with sheets on beds and clean underwear, but it apparently is also impossible for me to keep big secrets like...i dont know...SANTA for instance....2 years ago kylee, elly and abby got strollers with babies....and diaper bags and all that matched (and monogrammed in true southern fashion...because even santa knows that in the south we want everything we own to be branded such)...needless to say they each got super cute things made from super cute fabric:

well we had a lot left over and it was in my fabric bin...i pulled it out and decided there was plenty to make a blanket and several spit up cloths...just as i was admiring how cute it was....kylee and elly informed me, and i quote, "hey thats the same fabric santa used to make our stuff"...yikes....all i could say was what?! what are you talking about?!?! i got this from the fabric store! they then asked me if i made the bags and stroller which i responded quickly "no i definitely didnt make your bags" which is true by the anyway...they still sort of believe in santa...this is probably the last year for im just going to go with it for now...that made it apparent that one of the things that is impossible for me to do is to keep secrets...there are many other things...
1. to stick to a menu when jared is out of town
2. to go shopping with any children other than peyton (and only her because people dont want to watch her)
3. to do all the crafts that are in my head in the free time that i have....bahaha free time?!
4. to fold more than 1 load of laundry per day...just forget it...
5. to stick to a list at the store
6.  to bathe little people more than twice a week ( dont judge me...its summer and they go swimming everyday...)
7.  i could literally go on and on but right now jared is out of town for 2 i have no immediate deadline to have a clean house or serve a meal, and i have a bin full of fabric that is calling my name......