an amazing family photo.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


over the weekend, we colored eggs...had 2 egg hunts...went to church....ate an amazing lunch...had the best coconut cake ever...all in all a good are some of the pictures from coloring eggs...dont mind the ratty hair and children who look like ragamuffins...sometimes this cant be helped...haha

fun times!

notice the intensity in which they are coloring eggs with...


all the eggs colored.
i was pretty proud of myself for getting everyone ready for church early enough so that i was able to take some pictures of the little people...(my goal was a picture of all of us, but i 100% failed at that one...i blame it on jared.) anyway, the little people were pretty excited, so i am happy with some of the pictures i was able to get....
jack is 100% a payne (note the disappearing eyes).

minus the not sure why jacks chin is up so high...

they really do love eachother!

kylee and elly.

all the girls.

the jared calls her.

now on to the egg hunt...if you know my mother in law, you know that she goes all out for everything...egg hunts are no different....and i must say that living with/next to her for 8 years has resulted in me being the same we had A TON of eggs for our egg hunt at the house...not 12 or 24...its get as many as you can fit in your thats are all the little people who hunted... oh yea and peyton in her swimsuit that the easter bunny brought...because thats what you should hunt eggs in...a swimsuit...haha
haha, she loves it...and its one of the first times in a long time that she didnt have to wear a tutu.

all the little people ready to hunt.

abby and jack.

gavin...see all the eggs?!?!...thats how we do.


 elly and kylee...i dont know why she was wearing her hat in the incorrect fashion...haha.


and peyton.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

let the craziness begin...

i like to read things that have pictures i am going to try and have pictures with my stories ~when appropriate~ haha...anyway this has been a pretty busy week...a trip to the atl to visit the temple~with all little people in tow~fun but exhausting. i do wish i had taken a picture of all of us in front of it, but like my previous post said...we are not taking too many complete family pictures together...but here is a picture of the temple minus the mobleys in front of it.

the next really fun thing this week....drum roll.....POTTY TRAINING PEYTON! which looks all fun in caps, but it would be much better if she didnt think she was losing part of her body when she went numero dos in the toilet...needless to say she successfully pees in the toilet every time, but after the first traumatic experience with number 2 (literally screaming like she was hurt) she has yet to make another attempt at that....(this is where my "pictures when appropriate" comment comes in...haha

 next is Easter...we know, and i think we have taught our children rather well that Easter is not about candy and prizes and the Easter bunny and all that, but it is about the Savior and His resurrection and the atonement, and all the things that are part of that...with that said and in is really fun for me to do the whole Easter bunny thing...i love it...and i love egg hunts...the first graders had one on thursday and it was fun...HOT, but fun...and poor Rome sacrificed herself and dressed up in the Easter bunny suit~not the most fun~the things we do for our kids!

and the last thing i will share with you is pure love. my dad sends my family the best chocolate ever at Christmas and Easter....
but really with the packaging?!?!...he has a paper shredder, and apparently they are fun...

 here is the real love.
...Geepaw loves his grandchildren...i love to tease my brother and say i am the favorite, but lets be honest~its because i have kids...and i might be biased, but i think they are pretty cute...and polite for the most part...when they are not being sarcastic...haha....anyway...i hope everyone has a Happy Easter, and if you live here, try not to die in the heat...its gonna be a hot one...

Friday, April 8, 2011

What have I gotten myslef into?!

So...way before this mystery baby decided it would join our family, i was thinking how little miss peyton just turned 2 and sadly there was only 1 picture of her in my living room (and in the picture she couldn't even hold her head that should tell you how old it is) don't get me wrong...Monique has taken some really cute pictures of her and jack for that matter, but for some reason i never printed them out bigger than a 4x6 and those cute pictures reside on my refrigerator...i want pictures of them where they all match...or the background matches at least...
 Anyway i decided a while ago that we would get a family picture(not an easy thing by any means)...i will be up at 5 to curl hair and make sure everyone looks just right...i am quite picky when it comes to these things...but no matter what i do to is really up to them whether they cooperate or not(i fear peyton will be the least cooperative)...but i thought this would be good...we actually have not one family picture with jared and i in it...sad i guilt will be eased and peyton will join the rest of the little yahoos on the wall...(i really am going somewhere with this)...looking back at the picture that is on my wall now of the three:

i have realized that this was around the time...or not long before i was pregnant with we are getting our pictures taken tomorrow, and it may just be the last time...because i am almost positive that scheduling to get them taken resulted in me going to have puppies(as jack would say)...and im getting not sure i can do this anymore! my warning to all the families that want pictures taken...YOU MIGHT END UP WITH PUPPIES! haha.

on a side is the lasted addition to the mobleys:

Sidney Abraham Mobley! Congrats to Micah and Trelaina!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

By Amazing...I Meant Crazy.

I am not a blogger, but I do have opinions about things in life.  I have decided to try this here is your warning ~ I don't always capitalize things that need to be...I love using three periods instead of one and starting a new sentence...the only time I usually use apostrophes is when I have spell check....and I am 100% sarcastic all the time...something I can't help's ingrained in my blood...a trait that I have sadly passed on to my children. (I'm sorry world.) If these are things that you just cant might want to stop right here!  Life is completely crazy right now (like literally), Peyton is screaming at my feet because the chips are not right on her plate...or maybe it's the fact that her most favorite tutu ever is in the dryer as we could also be that Jack looked at her's hard to say...but with two little people at home during the day and one on the way...yes it is true...surprisingly...(and we got a guarantee on the 1 on the way...not 2...whew!) but life is crazy, and apparently i will vent and share here!


Just in case you weren't sure what it was...she labeled it for me! haha.